Essential Words that you should know and be able to use in order to ace Competitive Exams like IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE, UPSC, IBPS, CAT, XAT, and other recruitment or admission examinations.
– give up completely (a practice or a course of action)
– behave in a way that belittles or degrades (someone)
– to bring someone down, often either in their job, rank,
– to embarrass someone or make them feel uncomfortable
– to make or become less in amount, intensity, degree, etc.
– shorten (a word, phrase, or text); shorten the duration of
– take (someone) away illegally by force or deception
– a change from what is typical or usual, especially a temporary change
– to support, assist or encourage someone to do something wrong or illegal
– extremely cruel or unpleasant
– primitive and uncivilized
– to persuade, attract, or interest someone, often in a deceptive way
– to touch or kiss someone in a gentle and loving way